short term projects
.1-3 volumes. EXCLUSIVE ACCESS .
. UPDATED 7.25.21 .
A gangbanger attempts to seduce a black russian mobster, but is interrupted. It'll be 3 years before the russian can react to said attempt.
delayed reaction
4 of 17 pgs . done
· Self published ·

. pg 3 in progress .
Brock starts his part time job, and Venom "endures" it.
part time
15 pgs . planned
· Self published ·

. awaiting support .
2 studs and 2 black femmes loving hard.
love hard
?? pgs.
· Self published ·

. awaiting support .
A blind gangboss tries to win back the love of her life, who's deaf and in denial about who she is.
def bonded
20 pgs . planned
· Self published ·

In a all girl witch highschool, a deaf (cis) witch has a crush on a blind black (trans) witch.
def together
13 pgs.
featured in | Power & Magic anthology vol.1 (2016)

PG .|
Ulupoka hates to lose to anyone, but Nicor know he alone is the one exception.
double dog dare
15 pgs.
featured in | Monster anthology vol.2 (2015)

Hannibal and Will play their game of tag after the series end.
you're it
10 pgs.
featured in | RAW , hannibal x will anthology (2015)

R .|
31 horror cock concept designs. 4 of which are mini stories connected to entries in Horror Portrait vol.1.
Horror cock vol.1
31 cocks
· Self published ·

What happens when you are in the porn theater business and have last minute actor replacements for a private show.
earning tip . ych comic 01
6 pgs.
· Self published ·

31 original horror portraits + mini stories. 4 of which are mini stories connected to entries in Horror Cock vol.1. This physical book has a special comic preview in the rear.
Horror portrait vol.1
31 portraits + horror stories
· Self published ·

. 2 preview pages .
A killer and A supernatural human eater meet in a group camping trip.
187 notches
2 chapters . planned
Preview in Horror Portrait vol.1

A trans man, an Android, and a black hole creature walk into a space station... [contributed into a comic anthology called, "Nether Realms", see to buy any remaining copies]
exit tense
15 pgs
· Self published ·